Sunday, July 25, 2010


E's day in London with The Doctor.

The Dr Who Prom at The Royal Albert hall in London.
A family concert featuring music from the BBC's Dr Who series, and including a specially filmed scene, written by Steven Moffat and starring Matt Smith.
There's also a selection of classical favourites with a strong flavour of time and space. Join Karen Gillan(aka Amy Pond), and others from the Doctor Who cast, for an intergalactic musical adventure - with a little help from Daleks, Cybermen and other aliens from the series!

We have combined some of the pictures taken by Ashley or Ekatarina with some found on websites.

Ecky was very happy and excited to be there.

The tardis.

Dr Who logo.


Dalek and orchestra

A swing - one of the special effects.

The Doctor - Matt Smith

Amy Pond - Karen Gillan.

Taking a bow.

Ekatarina (bottom right) gets an autograph from Murray Gold - he composes all the music.

Royal Albert Hall detail.

Royal Albert Hall.

Picnic spot - The Albert Memorial.

Detail of Albert memorial.

Ecky's signed programme. She has quite a few autographs - sadly it was not possible to get ones from the main characters.

New rucksack - covered with lots of fun characters. It was bought in Chinatown.
And what of Bill and me - we went to a car boot sale at Reigate.
We bought some things of course.
I wrote up the weekend purchases as the cyclists rode into Paris for the last stage of Le Tour de France.
I am very tired again.
I have been thinking hard about this period of malaise. If I realise how often I am very thirsty and check on the various symptoms, I am now wondering if I might have type 2 diabetes.
I see one of the GPs next week and a discussion of this must be added to the list.
Tomorrow Bill and I will be in the shop.

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