Monday, July 19, 2010


Monday again

It was Monday again - don't they come around quickly?

We took parcels to the local post office before going to Dorking.
EBay business must do much to keep the Royal Mail in business - so many parcels being posted everyday.

It was a busy day at the shop - but not for all of us.
I am not the only one feeling below par.
Monika had felt bad last night and arranged not to stay at the shop so that she could go home and sleep.
Emma came and took her place.
I must admit I kept a low profile and Bill did much more than his fair share of the work.
Both Bill and I sold today - Bill sold a model car and I sold an art deco teapot.

I have taken some photos for the shop blog. I hope they are good enough. I took pictures of the window display which Sue has themed births, marriages and deaths, with a lovely 1930s wedding dress at one end and black ostrich feathers at the other end. You will see what I mean when I get around to dealing with them.
Window pictures tend to get spoiled by too much reflection.

This evening I have a few more things finishing on EBay - bits and pieces which have been hanging around for a long time. They have attracted higher bids than I expected.

We will be in the shop again tomorrow.