Monday, February 10, 2014


Things to cope with.

It was really pleasant driving home from Dorking in the bright sunshine - a brief interlude.
I shouldn't have been driving home in the light - but events dictated this.
I had a wee problem!
I probably could have managed things and stayed in the shop until closing, but it was proving to be a very quiet day.
Steve suggested I go home. Maybe he was afraid of too much information from my lips!
Anyway I was home by 3 o'clock.
Home to a noisy world!
I can't know how much Bill claps and bangs when I am not there - but I hear him at it, when he is upstairs alone.
He offers to control it but he can't.
On and on - the clapping and the banging.......I fear for our kitchen work tops with the way he bangs them with cutlery and things!
Suddenly, mid evening, he announced that he might go for a walk.
It was really quite chilly out and the sky was clear. By morning the cloud and rain will return.
We didn't walk far - yes, I thought maybe it might be best to accompany him - just to the local shop to buy some peppermints and late evening bargains.
So much rain, so much flooding.
But as The River Thames wreaks havoc, I am thinking that more help will become available. There's a lot of Tory voters in The Thames Valley!
Unfortunately you people of the Somerset levels, who may well be Tory voters, - there are not really very many of you and your world is quite far from the seat of government.
Water is disrupting life for many, many people and it's hard for those affected.
It is hard in practical terms and hard to cope with emotionally.
And no amount of money will give people back their emotional well being.
Compare their plight though, with the men at Paschendale in WW1.......drowning in a sea of mud, with no purpose, no hope, horrendous death and destruction.
I have just been watching this week's instalment of the series about The First World War and found it very interesting - lots of snippets of peoples' experiences from all standpoints - that I had never heard of before.
And so many of them emotionally destroyed and almost all emotionally scarred.
Life is just not always bloody fair!
In fact it is often extremely unfair.
It is how you deal with it that matters. Communities in the floods are, I believe pulling together and learning more about love and friendship.
The soldiers - those who made it back home - knew that they just had to stoically get on with life. Day follows day.
And I too, have learned to cope with life through my health experiences. Having a stoma is inconvenient - but life must not revolve round it.
And having a husband with Alzheimer's is at times, completely horrible.....and obviously will get worse.
But day will follow day and it is how I cope with each day that is important.