Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Peppermint and cakes.

A moderately quiet day......and a rather wet one too.

This morning we were flitting about, driving in the rain....to the dump, the post office and to the supermarket.

This afternoon I busied myself making a beef casserole and let it cook slowly in the oven for over 4 hours. Maybe it is time that I got a slow cooker - would save putting the oven on.
The food was beautiful - those 4 hours brought out every flavour.

Bill had an appointment at the GP's surgery this afternoon.
On hearing that Jessica had commented often "Oh Grandad, that's disgusting" as long ago as April, Dr D prescribed some oil of peppermint tablets.
I thought peppermint was good for releasing trapped wind.
Perhaps it is - it's job is to relax the gut.

And that basically has been the day.
Watched the final of The Great British Bake Off. Such luscious cakes, pastries and savouries we have seen during the season.
The most beautiful Ruby made the final - but was beaten by a more reliable cook.

I will get up early and go to the shop.
And wait......and maybe wait all day for the TV people.
Bill has opted to stay in bed.