Sunday, October 20, 2013


Let's be hunter gatherers

There have been sunshine and showers.
But for about 15 minutes what we experienced was much closer to tropical rain storm.
It was very dark, the rain beat down - could hardly see our way ahead in the car. The wind lashed the trees, being blown this way and that.
So fierce it was exciting.
Not so exciting for anybody caught out in it.
But at least we were spared the tornado that hit Hayling Island.
We were in the car to drive to Bill's sister's. Good to see her and good of her to give us her signature on a form.
Because Bill would have found it hard to sort out the withdrawal of all the money from the Fidelity portfolio that we have, I had to arrange a very temporary power of attorney (for this transaction only).
It couldn't be me.
I am hoping I have got it all correct and then once we have Steve to witness Bill's signature tomorrow, we can send off the request and that bit of simplification will be complete.

This morning I sorted out some more payments and have parcels ready to post.
Just been gradually crossing things off the "things to do list".
I asked Bill to vacuum clean upstairs for me. He will do it if asked......not like when he was prepared to take responsibility for it.
I have lots to take into the shop tomorrow and will need time during the day to write them up in my stock file.
But the first priority must be cleaning and tidying so that if the TV cameras are rolling in Pilgrims on Wednesday then we are all looking our best.
Another edition of Bargain Hunt is being filmed in West Street.

Jamie and I have been talking today about health issues - mainly Bill's.
Jamie likes the idea that it would be best for most people to eat the way our paleolithic ancestors ate - basically hunter gatherers.
There are others, maybe slightly more evolved who would thrive on the very early agricultural type diet.
Well, I knew for a fact that I would never be able to persuade Bill to make drastic changes to his regime. he likes the security of regular meals at regular times and the same things day after day.
I know that to a certain extent I can make the changes - when I felt so ill with very high potassium levels I grasped the challenges of a low potassium diet because I didn't want to feel like that.
Fortunately potassium levels are now well balanced.

 The first thing I decided to do was offer him a cooked breakfast in the morning. No cereal and milk and sugar and instead eating a sausage, some bacon, an egg and some mushrooms.

This evening I have found a website for a manageable way of eating a paleolithic diet......basically cheat!

It makes good sense. I won't be pushing Bill too hard though - especially not until we know more about what is going on in his body.
But what we do know is that he has a lot wrong, high blood pressure (controlled with medication), a disease of the auto immune system (rheumatoid arthritis, controlled with medication), much wind and belching, symptoms of a prostrate problem (not cancer), lethargy and lack of interest in things and now the memory problems.
So, it certainly wouldn't hurt to try and improve his diet.....and my diet.
It may not cure anything - but I feel it could increase a feeling of well being.

I am sure the type of diet outlined is just the sort of thing that Jamie was thinking of.