Monday, July 26, 2010


A rest for the Pilgrims.

I suppose you could call it a day of rest.
We abandoned our visitors and did our duty at the shop.
I arranged some new stock, which involved a bit of re-arranging; but for most of the day I sat around and talked.
As usual, my first port of call was to my own area to turn on the lights. A quick glance suggested that I really hadn't sold much this week - but later, when I totted it up, I found I had taken over £100.
Sales were not too bad today - but no really big money items. My doll was the biggest sale of the day at £32.
In fact Bill and I combined took just over one third of the day's takings.
I think we have gathered enough experience to know what we can sell and the sort of price people want to pay for it.
I did spend £20 on some items that a sweet lady brought in. She was clearing her aunt's house. The whole family had connections with a missionary station in China, going back for decades. The money was either going there or to the aunt's village church.
I know I can make a little money on the deal, but Julie commented that I paid much more than she would have done.
I replied that I feel I have to. She wondered why.
It really is a case of my reputation and the reputation of the shop - I feel that nobody should ever leave any antiques shop that I am involved with feeling they have been ripped off.
But then, Julie doesn't like taking her unsold stock to a charity shop.
I got rid of one item today - which the charity shop will probably sell easily - though I haven't in a year.
It was too modern and a wee bit tacky.
By mid afternoon I was glad to sit down and do little. Yes - that every day exhaustion hit me again.
I cooked a good dinner tonight - well, heated it up. It was a Moroccan chicken harissa from Cook, the up market frozen food shop.
I have made a start on accounts and watched a scary programme about African based churches in London which make vast amounts of money by branding children as witches and then charging to "cure" them.
I am missing Who Do You Think You Are (WDYTYA) because I want to get this done, make a cuppa and get to bed early.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is OK - good. We have a long drive to Wiltshire and then hopefully time for a walk or something, and of course a trip to Market Lavington Museum; my brother is the curator.
There will be photos - but goodness knows when I shall get them blogged. We have some busy days ahead.