Sunday, May 18, 2014


He's off on his holiday!

Terrible morning - felt totally rotten.
Bill had to do more of the packing than I intended - but he did it, so a good thing really.
The afternoon felt surreal - surrounded by people looking much older than Bill and much less able than Bill. Some of the dementia old ladies seemed to enjoy his liveliness and smiles.
The carers were lovely.
I am sure he is in the right place - hope I am still thinking that next Sunday.
I was exhausted by the time I left.
The evening has been fine - no grief.
Meditation and relaxation. Quick tidy up. Photos.
Photos will tell you about Deerswood.

A walk round the garden.

Supper time. Chicken soup, sandwiches and cake. And more tea - my third mug of tea.

Bill tries the bed.

Our little TV. Guess who forgot to put the remote in the box! I hope Jenny can drop it in tomorrow after she has taken me to the hospital.

He had delivery of a few birthday cards - I know, naughty boy, he opened them early.

There is a long corridor through the middle of each wing. Bill is in Elm Wing.
The corridors are full of interest.

A couple of rabbits have hutches at the far end of the corridor.
A music display.


I'm sure Bill has settled down to sleep by now. Maybe I should be sleeping too. Never mind - I shall be doing quite a bit of that over the next couple of days and enjoying Jenny's leek and potato soup.
Bill, is, I think happy - but confused. This time he thinks we are in Wiltshire.
I feel more relaxed this evening. I have no nerves about the operation - just nerves about what they might find.
But onwards I go - each day to be filled with positive feelings.