Saturday, March 29, 2014


Timekeeping with Rolf and contact with Dee.

Tired - a good dose of sunshine and strong wind (weather, not mine!) combined with concentrating for a long day of athletics. can be quite exhausting.
The pain hasn't helped me either, nor Bill.
He has proved again that he is still a good timekeeper and between races he demonstrated his fine abilities to clap hands and clap legs so very loudly and quickly.
Donna was keeping an eye on him and being more tolerant than I have been lately.
I regret that I was not a good teacher today.
Rolf didn't seem to master the technique at all and I couldn't think what else to suggest for him to get closer to the electric times, which are completely accurate.
I had a good day with the electrics - but haven't worked anything out yet. We all got tired and cold and I just couldn't be bothered  to sort things out at the track - or even this evening.
But I did have a wonderful surprise this evening.....there at my front door was my very good friend who lives in the south of France.
She is on a quick visit to the UK to help her niece design and decorate the bedroom for a 6 month old baby.
I often get close to that dangerous point, when  being busy and lazy lead us close to no contact at all. Well, it's me that lets us down. Dee never would.
I must cling on tight and not let her go again.