Friday, February 08, 2013


Town and around.

A Crawley day today.
I posted another page for my Crawley blog.

Thank you Roger for nice words about what I got up and did quite early this morning.

I spent a while this morning writing up things that were bought yesterday for the shop. The dining room table is now clear.......for a few hours. Tomorrow I hope to be buying more and in the afternoon I have some things finishing on EBay. That will create some clutter I am sure.

This afternoon we went to see Julie. She lives close to another Crawley Memories controversy.
Somebody posted a picture of a colonial style house with a pagoda like tower......not the one that still stands on the corner of Goffs Park Road.
Somebody seems certain that it once stood on the opposite corner of Goffs Park Road with Horsham Road.
Who are we to argue?
But none of us old Crawley people (well, the ones I have been in touch with today) have memories of it being there.
Mind you that same person might argue to the death that black is white rather than admit he might be wrong.
He is quite certain that the "gallows" sign outside the George Hotel was a true gallows and that prisoners were hauled over from The Brewery Shades to meet their fate.
He has it on good authority - he says.
Now let this be a lesson to all of us gullible folks.....his good authority must be Wikipedia.
The true good authorities with history qualifications either deny this assumption or ignore it altogether.
Chat has been, shall we say......lively!

This evening we went to the postcard club. It was not a satisfactory meeting.
Our speaker was one of our members and he claimed to be using a different approach to delivering a talk. Sadly it didn't work.
He had displayed a mass of postcards showing their evolution from the very first in 1894 until WW1. He would lift them up and talk about them with a voiced that dropped away and I actually heard only about half of each sentence.
At the end we were encouraged to join together to look at the displays.

If any old Crawley people see this I would welcome an opinion on its whereabouts.