Saturday, November 10, 2012


Spooks and customers in the shop.

We have been in Dorking today.
The shop was busy - lots of people about.
Almost everybody in the shop sold things today.
I am glad that Bill and I did because the week generally has not been very good.
It was a fun day.
There was me, Bill and Steve....and Claudia joined us at lunchtime.
This gave Bill and Steve the opportunity to pop out for a pint.
Conversation has been on the spooky side.
How come the sink in the kitchen had the spoons strewn over it?
Claudia had been in until closing time yesterday and spoons had been in their rightful place when she left.
Of course, of course - there must be a logical explanation. But a number of people have felt the presence of something at the back of the shop and it is not the first time that things were in illogical places. Why once were towels and tea towels laid out neatly across the floor?
Do we have a poltergeist?
Today I felt we were claiming to be sceptical and yet really wishing it could be true!
We could invite ghost hunters to spend the night in the place......that might boost the shop funds a bit!
My trips out from the shop were less interesting than Bill's to the pub. I have more Oragel with benzocaine.....and I notice the tube I bought today in boots has a much higher dose of the benzocaine than I had before. It really is the best way of firmly getting the denture in place without too much pain. I also went to Waitrose for more supplies of soft food.
I have mentioned going down to Brighton in the morning - but I think we might feel too lazy.
I have lots to catch up with.
Good to read a new blog - a happy nerd is rambling.