Tuesday, November 06, 2012


heart v head.

Some good news to start with.
The latest modifications on the denture do seem to have made it more comfortable.
I will see the dentist again in a week's time.
I did get one thing wrong - Mr C said that pain makes people confused and they only remember about 25% of what they are told.
I won't have the permanent denture for about 6 months - it takes that long for the gums to shrink into their final shape.

Then comes the bad news. I can't believe it. There is such conflict between my brain and my heart.
Harry cat still has not eaten.
Surely we could try for just one more week?
But Bill thinks not - his head wins every time. I don't think my heart stands much chance really.
I now keep rehearsing holding Harry and talking to him in those last few minutes.
I did that for Timmy. But I was ill at the time, so we paid extra to have the vet and the nurse come to the house.
Death always has me asking  the question - how can somebody, some pet, be alive one day and dead the next. This evening just feels so normal.

And the day has been normal too.
After the dentist we called in to see Bill's sister, Julie. Good to catch up and enjoy a cup of tea together.
I cooked a chicken casserole for our dinner.

I have enjoyed the constant stream of chat and memories about our town in the old days.
This picture was posted today.

Buses have featured quite a bit in chat.
Also the day when Crawley competed in Its a Knockout. I found  2 great pictures that Bill had taken.