Monday, May 14, 2012


Rather quiet on the Pilgrims Front.

I wrote yesterday that this would not be a rest day....well in a way, it has been.
I put out some fresh stock at the shop - remembering to bring home the big bowl that friend Jean would like.
It was cold in the shop and the dampness filtered through to my already aching muscles and joints.
I knew the rain was coming. But somehow the last 3 days have put me into summer mode, I look ahead to weeks of blue skies.
I dressed all wrong for the day. No wonder I felt chilly.
At the last minute before leaving I had grabbed a pair of socks - but they looked silly with sandals. I suppose I wouldn't have minded looking silly. What I did mind was that I found it difficult to walk in the socks and sandals today.
And I had to walk because I had parcels  to take to the post office.
On my journey I looked in all the charity shops to see if they could supply some warmer shoes. But no - nothing was suitable.
I pondered on trainers in one shop - but didn't buy. It looked like I would have to put up with the situation.
Then as I walked back (hobbled back) I remembered that Edinburgh Woollen Mills (EWM, these days) sold shoes. I am so glad I went in. They had a good range of styles of shoes. I bought some trainers/leisure shoes in brown and green by a company called 26 Bones. They were instantly right and at £30 not too outrageous.
I would pay more to get footware that looks good and can allow my feet to walk.
Once back in the shop there was little to do. There were sales - both Bill and I sold today.
But I had a chance to sit and relax with my sodoku puzzle book; as I can do these puzzles in 10 to 15 minutes I assume they are what Ashley would think are easy.
Tomorrow I must tidy up the house and get weekend purchases sorted.
I will go with Bill to the hospital for his appointment with the rheumatologist. Poor Bill is aching more than me - he has over used his troubled muscles.
Maybe it is a good thing because he might actually tell the specialist that things are getting worse. Like most people he tends not to want to make a fuss.