Thursday, May 10, 2012


Brief resume of our day.

A brief resume - just to reassure folks that I haven't absconded or anything.
Mind you, I do know that most of my regular readers will be sleeping in their beds at quarter past midnight UK time.
We have been out for the evening. Ashley has met up with 2 of his aunts. It was a good chatty evening and I enjoyed 3 large glasses of wine.
Thank you Julie and Roger.
The weather has been poor - increasing to dreadful at times.
This afternoon we had a what was almost a tourist trip to Crawley town centre......I had my camera with me.
There are photos of the bus that took us into town, wet streets, a charity shop, the shopping mall, views out of the window as we had a drink in the mall. Yes - we have been somewhere that Bill and I had never been to before; We could sit in the food mall and watch people coming and going in The Martlets below.
There are some pictures taken on the walk home too - for just a while, the rain had stopped.
These pictures will be sorted tomorrow.
Time for bed, then.