Sunday, May 13, 2012


The future awaits.

I am ready for a rest day.....but it won't be tomorrow.
Today Ashley returned to Newcastle. It has been a lovely week with him, with lots of high points. He is good company.
I hope he has enjoyed the break - though, for the first time ever he left a life behind that he he is relishing.
He wrote on facebook......

I return to Newcastle tomorrow after a week with parents. Glad to have been here. Glad too to be returning to family, home, books, events and the people I've got to know in the last year. The future awaits me there.

That sounds good and positive.

This morning he and I were up early to go to the boot sale at Pease Pottage. This is not normally a very good hunting ground for me, but I returned with interesting things to sell, to keep, to wear and to eat.

Back home I had an hour to sort myself out a bit and have some breakfast.
We were at the track just after 10 o'clock.
There were 5 of us timekeepers - seemingly a paltry number; but we were a brilliant team and had no problems. I am so grateful to the extra 2 who were cajoled into giving their time. Gerry did both days of the Championships and worked like a Trojan today for me. He must be exhausted this evening. I am tired too.

The weather has been kind to us. The sun shone. But I think the red tingling faces have as much to do with the wind as the sun. Once we were in the shade of the stand, it was the chilly draughty wind that affected us most.

This evening I have addressed all the parcels I have ready for posting and got accounts up to date.
Purchases from yesterday and today are of course, strewn over the table.
Tomorrow is a shop day. Having missed a week for the Bank Holiday it feels like an age since we were there.