Saturday, May 12, 2012


Saturday outing.

No photos yet - it has been another very full day.
We were off to Ford on a lovely morning by 7 o'clock. I didn't buy a great deal really - but it is quite interesting. I have hardly looked at it, so far.
Ashley bought a book that he has been hoping to find for over a year. The only problem is he found one very cheap on Amazon during the week and ordered that one.
By the time we got to Littlehampton, I knew I had a problem.....just a wee problem!
We found a quiet spot at the car park on the green behind the beach and I dealt with it.....or so I thought.
All was well for a while.
We had breakfast and  a bit of a walk.
Then our aim was to find Julie and Roger in their caravan. There were 2 problems to this venture - we didn't know where their caravan park was exactly and we hadn't realised that circumstances had actually prevented them for getting away from Crawley.
We ended up at Bracklesham Bay. Never been there before - and feel I probably never will again.
We headed back to Chichester.
On our way we kept seeing signs pointing to Art in Chichester weekend - not sure what it was about.
But we discovered in the city itself.
About 70 venues had set themselves up as mini centres of art. It was a bit like an open gardens weekend, but this one was an open studio or artist's house weekend.
We called at at the first sign we came to.
Chatted with the artist and her husband, whose house we were in.
Deborah Mitchelson reflects the South Downs, maps and paths and contours in her wor in a modern abstract sort of way.
But I liked it.

Suddenly, as we talked, I found I had to ask if I could please make use of their own private facilities in a hurry.
My earlier dealing of the wee problem was a botched job!
Such a shame - I would have loved to venture into other artists' homes.
We did go for a drink - badly needed. I was able to find ample padding and protection to keep me clean and dry for a while.
Once home, I dealt with my needs and then got busy dealing with EBay sales.
There were some good sales.
Very pleasing.
I have also sorted out things I need to be chief timekeeper at the Sussex Championships tomorrow.
Ashley and I will be going to the Pease Pottage boot sale before 7 o'clock in the morning.
We MUST be back home by 9 o'clock!