Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Finding pain relief

This afternoon we went to see cousin Ann - Bill's 83 year old cousin.
Poor Ann is not well.
The main cause of her distress is severe back pain - how back pain runs in Bill's family!
Her doctor gave her a new pain relief drug regime - which included the dreaded tramadol.
Is there anybody who can tolerate tramadol?
Bill's sister has opted for severe pain rather than tramadol side effects.
I did the same when prescribed it for broken ribs.
About an hour after taking it this afternoon she had a very bad time. She is resolved not to take any more, but will phone the doctor in the morning.

I took some tea to Ann's - but she ate just half of a tiny sandwich. She has lost a lot of weight.
But she was happy to see us - she craves company.
Normally she can keep herself busy - but not just now.
We talked and talked and despite everything it was a happy time.

I have no pictures today.
But I thought you would like to see this one from Thailand.

Orchids are common place in Thailand.
But one could never describe this one as ordinary could you?
I love that funny little person sitting in the middle of the bloom!