Saturday, November 05, 2011


Saturday at Rocking Horse.

The weather has not been as bad as predicted.....we could have gone to Ford.
But if we had done that, then maybe I wouldn't be looking forward to tomorrow; one day out at the weekend is enough for Bill.
Tomorrow we will go to the car boot sale at Dorking and then on to Woking for the antiques and collectables fair.

Today I had the urge to go out for a while and we went to Rocking Horse Antiques.
The old name was used for a shop that opened in Hassocks, where some of the old RH traders now sell; along with many, many others.
I could have gone there too.
But I opted to stay in Dorking and today's visit confirmed to me that I had made the right choice.
I might have made more money in Hassocks, but I like to be amongst some quality items.
There are 60 dealers in the new Rocking Horse; there are many more sales each day than we get in Pilgrims - but most of the stuff sold is not of much value.
There was nothing really that I was desperate to buy.
I feel I saw rather too much bric a brac.
I did buy a large heavy modern enamel bread bin. I felt I could sell that on to pay for the petrol for our trip.

On the way home we decided to call in on Bill's sister, Lesley. The house seemed very shut up and empty.
We know that Lesley's husband has health problems just now; indeed, so has Lesley.
We decided to call on sister, Pam to see if she had heard anything.
She had no new news, but we surmise that maybe Peter is in hospital. She knew that he would have to have a toe amputated.
We must make a phone call tomorrow.

My holiday photo album is finished.

Today I had a new picture of John, which I snapped from skype. He had wanted to show me his gold medal for running.