Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sheffield Park Sussex and Loy Krathong.

Today is Loy Krathong - the day of the full moon in this month.
It is a Thai festival dedicated to the sprit of water - but I can read more into it. I feel that it is about pushing your boat out with last year's troubles - freeing your life up for the future.
I decided to make a krathong.

It is the wrong shape. It should br round like a lotus flower - or water lily.

I used a card egg box for my base.

The spiral shell is from Thailand.

Here is one Mam made in another year.

Read how she made it.....

We decided to combine Loy Krathong with the glories of Autumn.
We went to Sheffield Park for a walk.

We decided to take the krathong to Seaford. This place is so close to very familiar territory and yet I don't know it.
I could see that there could be some interest there - but today it felt rather dead.
Dead - apart from in the one cafe we found open. It was bustling and so full that not a table could be found.

But we decided to go on the beach anyway.
Why didn't we drive to the tide mills? Maybe it would have been easier there.

We couldn't get the incense sticks no smoke drifting heavenwards.

Ready for sailing.
But of course the waves of the incoming tide dragged it back up the beach.
I tried again.
The waves were coming ever closer, until one large one (the 7th wave?) was lapping round my feet and I tried to make a hurried exit from the sea, landing heavily on my back in the water.
I could do no more for my krathong.

Fortunately I always keep spare clothes in the car - for other sorts of emergencies. I changed my clothes by the car.
But I had no spare shoes and socks.

We were hungry by this time.
We drove along the cliffs to Brighton Marina.
And then - you guessed it! We went into Wetherspoons for curry club day.
It was once we had settled at our table that I realised my right wrist hurt a lot and had become incapable of doing much.
Oh no - broken? After all I am an older woman with osteoporosis.
But I could wiggle it a bit and eat my meal - and no, it is not broken.
But I did think I could do with a pint of Guinness again this week!

It was probably the Guinness and the strong anti inflammatory pill which gave me a good sleep when we got home.

So, a good day out - with some ups and downs.
And oh, I did not like the down!