Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Stupid Grandma P and family at Godstone.

I have been stupid!
Firstly I got my CT scan appointment wrong and then seemed to allow it to throw the rest of the day into a daze of nothingness.
A letter came a couple of weeks ago, advising me of a new time for my scan. We both noted the new time - but failed to note that it was to be on a new day.
So, for the second time recently, Bill made his own way to his osteopath's appointment and for the second time he was surprised to find me in the waiting room at the clinic with a tale of me getting my appointment muddled. Last time I thought I had an appointment with the nurse - only to be told I had arrived 24 hours early.
So, tomorrow morning I shall be at the hospital.
And I can't therefore be with Dr O. I now have an appointment to see him in a week's time.

Once we got home, I idled. Then I began to prepare some things for eBay describing - but failed to actually describe any of them.
I must be more diligent tomorrow.

I am now looking back a week to our visit to Godstone Farm. I think I commented last Tuesday that we might not visit again - young Ecky is not so young anymore and has outgtrown it.
Here are some family pictures - and a donkey.


The laughing donkey just had to be included.

Having wondered if we might have time to see Michaela before Ashley and Ekatarina returned home, it was a delight to find M and the boys at Godstone Farm.
Robert was far to busy, here, there and everywhere with his friend to have his photograph taken.
But George was happy to oblige.

There are lovely big sand pits to play in.

Princess in the castle.

Can you walk yet, George?
I saw you do a couple of steps in the sand pit.