Saturday, August 06, 2011


I want a body that functions properly.

The news of the day is pancreatitis.
I have had flare ups of varying degrees for 20 years now.
Today's was one of the worst for a long time.
I had to abandon the Ford car boot sale - oh, how far away the car seemed!
Would I puke or pass out?
Neither fortunately.
It seemed to ease - but flared up very badly again after some food.
Home to sleep.
Been in bed for much of the day.
Right now I thank my own forethought in hoarding Co Proxomol. Took two about half an hour ago.
They are an extra strong pain killer that suit me very well and ease the pain. Paracetamol did not.
But for some years now doctors have not been permitted to prescribe it. Many in the medical profession wonder why this was done. I have proved that I know how to use the stuff wisely.
I am planning to miss car boot sales in the morning.
Bill will take Ashley and Ecky to Sayers Common.
Bill has fantastically good Ightam Mote pictures. Maybe I will find energy to share some tomorrow.