Monday, July 25, 2011


Woe is's a 3P time!

Oh woe is us!
It was a bad night - a very bad night.
We all know (or think we know) why I had lots of bother - wonderful fresh cream cakes and Eton mess.
At least those things confirmed that the situation with dairy products hasn't got any better.
But Bill was worse than me - and we don't know why. Maybe, for him, it was just one of those things.
It was the night of the 3 P's he so bluntly put it! Pee, puke and poo!
He didn't go to the shop.
I did and was joined by Monika, also feeling queasy.
What is going on?
The morning was quiet.
After a trip to the post office I needed to sort out Bill's area - a whole shelf in his cabinet was empty! He has had a very good week!
I enjoyed playing with and rearranging his stock of models and things.
And then the customers came in their droves and also people wanting to sell things to us.
It was crazy...but somehow Monika and I kept on top of things.
We even sold the shop telephone! Stephen, who deals in collectable old telephones had decided that we should use an item of his stock. So, I had to disconnect it and then connect one of his other phones.
At the end of the day I rushed home to sick Bill - doing OK, but feeling fragile, like I am.
Ashley and Ekatarina are with us now. Harry cat loves Ashley, so is not too alarmed; though he tends to dart off if Ecky moves a bit rapidly.
I don't know what time either of them will go to bed.
Bill and I need some sleep.
Tomorrow we will have to do a bit of shopping - I couldn't decide what yoghurts Ecky might be liking now.
Maybe we will take a walk to Tilgate Park.
Bill is going for a blood test.
Now, time for a cup of tea. Fluid badly needed by both of us.
Then bed.