Sunday, July 31, 2011


Waiting for that magical moment when good health returns.

I would have loved to blog long - but not to be.
I had a bad night.
I awoke with cramp - sometimes almost too severe to bear 8 times during the night.
Gut was bad too.
So, very little sleep.
But I had promised a car boot sale. We only went to Pease Pottage - but it was enormous; the biggest I have known.
Ecky gave up after 1 row and Bill was happy to go back to the car with her.
I couldn't do it all.
Ashley saw everything.
I bought a couple of Russian ornaments of colourful men with concertinas and tambourines.
And I bought a home made Humpty Dumpty; what makes him very special is that he is wearing a very fine AA Man's uniform. I'll photograph him tomorrow maybe.
I slept for an hour during the morning.
Ashley and I went to Asda to get very easy things to eat.
We were at the sell by date bay at super reducing time. Everything becomes about 1 quarter the original price.
Home to sort pictures. They are on Facebook - that's quick and easy.
I planned to have quite a lot here - but bed is calling.
Monday tomorrow - I mean it customers....stay away! Though sitting in the shop is not a patch on sprawling on the sofa.
Time for bed.
Good night.