Saturday, August 13, 2011


On track

We have been at the track today. It was lovely to be amongst all the good people there.
When anybody gets down about the state of 21st century society, then go along and help with something - sport, music, line dancing, marching bands, baton twirling......just about anything; It is amongst such activities that one finds many unsung heroes and many hard working, dedicated young people.
We were timekeeping at the men's southern league match - the league our B team are involved in.
Our A team are in the national league and were, today, at Gateshead.
If we had but thought, maybe we could have loaded Ashley's boxes onto the coach and saved ourselves any bother.
We have actually cut down the bother and the expense by opting not to take Ashley (and Ecky's stuff) to Newcastle ourselves.
If we had driven up we would have spent about £120 on fuel and another £100 (minimum) for 3 nights accomodation. Then with extra spending, we reckon it could have come to about £300.
I think we might be able to have a carrier take it all for about £30.
Sorry we won't see them all at the beginning of September, but it feels better to wait until early Spring when they have the extension built.

Anyway, back to the athletics. I was chief timekeeper - amongst mostly good friends.
The other 2 might become good friends - but we had never met them before.
One of the new guys had hardly done any timekeeping before and turned up ready to work with a really old stop watch with hands - a museum piece!
Bill let him use his spare digital watch.

Competition was good - with Crawley coming out on top.
The timekeepers were relaxed - very laid back and I was no worse at keeping concentration going than some others.
But it has made me tired.
Or maybe the tiredness is as a result of 3 hours awake during last night. I was down with a cup of tea and the TV for a while. "Come Dine with Me" seems to be available to watch on some channel at almost every hour of the day or night!

Crawley didn't just win at athletics today. We could hear the cheers from the football stadium as Crawley won their first home match in the main football league.

It seems ages ago now that I enjoyed a good buying session at a car boot sale - what with rain and feeling poorly.
I am determined that tomorrow I shall be out early.
Here are some things I bought a little while back.

These are 2 USSR ornaments of musicians.
The black bowl on the left is already sold.
And the huge mottled red glass vase behind the black bowl is also sold.

Humpty, the AA man, is worth very little - but I did think he was fun.
I hope that perhaps somebody else will think the same in the run up to Christmas.