Sunday, August 14, 2011


14th August.

I know that we spent this date, 46 years ago, with just a few of the people who might read this posting.
Roger, my brother, and our good friends Pete and Jean, were with us in St Margaret's church.
Roger would have been only 16 and probably knew very little about weddings - but then, neither did Bill or I. I hadn't been to one before!
People who did know about weddings might have thought our wedding day a trifle odd - all sorts of unwritten rules were ignored. But I didn't know what the rules were!
But 46 years later we are still together and sharing our lives.
The fact that we spent the morning of our wedding day together doesn't seem to have spelled out disaster.

Today has been special enough for me by being normal. I found the will and the energy to walk round the car boot sale at Epsom. I bought some interesting things to sell.
I also bought 3 items of clothing - 2 skirts and a jumper for just £1.

We spent a comfortable time with breakfast and teas and coffees in the Epsom Assembly Rooms. Nice to sit and chat and watch the world go by.
I felt I needed almost no more food for the rest of the day.

Much of what I bought has been written up and quite a lot is now in the car, ready to take to the shop. I'll take some photos tomorrow.

So, today we were happy with a routine Sunday. Maybe next year we will have to join with nephews and nieces who will marry and have some sort of celebration. It won't be a specially significant  anniversary number, but we will have known each other for 50 years.
We must be really old!
And we have our good friends, Pete and Jean celebrating their Golden Wedding next year.
They must be really old too!
Bill and I had our first date on the day of their wedding.

A nice touch about today was that the first hymn that was sung on BBC Songs of Praise was also sung at our wedding.
In fact I walked down the aisle to Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven. I should have walked down to the Wedding March (somehow I seemed to know about that!) - but my grandparents were still walking down the aisle, very slowly - for Grandad was quite badly crippled with arthritis.