Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tuesday tiredness

It is Tuesday....therefore I shouldn't be surprised at my level of tiredness.
And this Tuesday follows a run of particularly very busy days.
I woke up feeling tired.
I dozed off briefly during the afternoon and for a good hour of deep sleep this evening.
The things to do list is, sadly less ticked off than usual.

We were up and breakfasted a bit earlier than on most Tuesdays because we were awaiting the loft insulation team. They were due "am".
They actually arrived at about quarter past one.
But we have no extra loft insulation.
Apparently we do not have the correct vents to achieve the right level of ventilation.
It began to seem like one of those tales off of Rogue Traders, where workmen of various kinds are filmed telling all sorts of stories about extra work that needs doing and them being able to pocket a great deal of extra money.
But the insulation wasn't going to cost us anyway and these men were not going to be people to start drilling and creating the correct ventilation.
We have to organise that for ourselves and then contact about the insulation.

I spent some time during the morning going through a box of things I brought home from the shop, which will go to a car boot sale when we next do one.
And it is the loft insulation that has caused us to think about doing another car boot sale.
At least that major task has begun, the sorting of what was in the loft.

This afternoon we had to do some shopping - we haven't done a big shop for ages. Today we visited both Lidl and Asda.
I managed to forget things though.

Frieda popped round for a chat this morning. She mentioned that the council have hinted that they would like her to move, because her 3 bedroomed house is more suitable for a family. I talked to her about sheltered housing and how she might find it more stimulating than living alone being somewhere which provided other elderly neighbours and facilities and things to do.
She gets very bored, for she has no interests of her own and ends up going to bed before 9 o'clock and then grumbling about not sleeping through the night.
She admitted that she had always thought that when she got to be really old, she might have to think about old people's flats or bungalows.
She is 90 in a month or so. I did ask her when she thought she would be really old!

Hopefully there will be no trouble for me sleeping through the night.