Monday, May 16, 2011


Selling in French

Another day of hard work, courtesy of one of my hobbies!
The shop was busy today.
My greatest pleasure was not actually the sale of one of my pieces, but the sale of a tea set belonging to Jo.
A group of 4 came in, chatting in French.
Their abilities at speaking and understanding English were not very high.
My French proved to be more than adequate.
Lady picked up a cup and saucer and looked pleased.
I explained that as it was one item in a complete 12 piece set, it wouldn't be possible to sell her just one cup and saucer.
I then found her a very similar tea plate, cup and saucer from Jonathan's section.
But no - she wanted  Jo's china because it was what she had at home.
Bill laughingly commented to me that she should buy the lot and then instead of one piece missing, she would have 11 spare cups and saucers!
I conveyed this to the French couple and Mr Frenchman said that would depend on price.
So I phoned Jo and got her to cut the price a bit - and they bought the lot!
What a salesman am I! She wants 1 cup and saucer and I persuade her to buy 40 pieces of china!
And all in French!
All I had to do then was wrap the 40 pieces very carefully.
By this time Bill was having to wrap a large jug and bowl for another couple - not French.
I love the variety of people and challenges they set to us each Monday.

We ought to be checking our bank account today - have we got tickets for The Games?
Its a lottery for us - I put in for popular athletics events.
I guess we will get nothing.
I don't know when we will know.
But we shall definitely get into the stadium for the Paralympic Games. I look forward to that.