Sunday, May 08, 2011


The only bargains were supermarket ones.

Cups of tea in bed this morning as rain beat against the window pane.
The rain cleared and patches of blue sky appeared.
Well, maybe we could go and try out the car boot sale just beyond Rusper which begins at midday. Their website suggested that if a sale had to be cancelled then the web site would inform by about half past eight.
There was no such information, but it was cancelled anyway.
This gave us a little while to kill before calling in at The Barn Theatre to pay for our tickets to see Stones in My Pocket.
So we went and enjoyed a cup of tea with Jenny and Mike.
Then we went shopping.
We discovered that it was just the right time for bargains in Asda - we had called in for milk.
It was the time when items already reduced were being further reduced. I just about squeezed it all into the freezer.
After lunch it was time to work.
I finished off sorting out things I had bought at Ford yesterday.

These dominoes cost me £18.
It is unlikely that I would ever see such a set again.

The bottle contains the original contents. The seller assured us that it would be drinkable, after 32 years.

Now how naff is that? Salt and pepper in a carrot and a pea pod?
They are Carlton Ware china - a well respected make.

I always wanted such a thing as a girl. It plays Around the World in 80 Days. There is a little set for gentleman alongside.

After I had photographed these items I then photographed some more - things to go on EBay,
I then described and listed those.

I then had to wrap some of the things which had sold yesterday and deal with payments.

Roast dinner this evening - a well reduced turkey joint.
Then dozing in front of The Antiques Roadshow.

I must finish with a Jessica tale.
I turned on the computer and a message came up on skype.
"Hello Nanny"
then...."I have been waiting for an hour"
What she wanted to ask was  " Could we bring Daddy Lego to Thailand?"
She knows that we have in our loft a large biscuit tin of old style lego bricks that our boys played with.
If Ecky wants any then it must be split 3 ways. I guess we could carry quite a lot of it in our suitcases.

It will be a normal shop day tomorrow - after 2 Bank Holiday Mondays we have not seen Monika or Julie for some time.