Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Wednesday - getting organised.

Quite a lot of what was in our loft until yesterday is now somewhere else; well, of course it is all somewhere else, but what I mean is that a certain amount is no longer in our house.
We have taken boxed board games to the charity shop. These, I always felt, we should not part with - and some of them have stayed. Those that stayed are more for sentimental reason rather than any thoughts that they might be played with.
So, I still have my original Monopoly which was given to me on my 11th birthday by family friends when I stayed with them on Anglesey.
Much more has been taken to the dump - not the right word anymore, for we have a very efficient and stylish municipal recycling centre.

This afternoon I sorted out duty sheets for the team of timekeepers and ensured that I had enough of the correct paperwork.
I am sorted - not sure that the weather will sort itself out and oblige with a rain free day.

Time to think about going to bed.
We will go to Ford in the morning, but need to be back by midday at the latest to be organised for athletics in the afternoon.
We will be organised - not sure if the Surrey school teachers organising the meeting will be organised though.
We have been asked to attend - but not sure if they truly want qualified people from whom they will learn (in the nicest possible way) that their standards are poor.
Many years ago there was a very good sprinter at Thomas Bennett School, name of Keith Wilson.
We attended the meeting as interested parents and were a bit surprised to find that the teachers timing had given  Keith a British record time for the 100 metres.
How could they get it so wrong?
On another occasion Bill and I agreed to timekeep for the ATC games - us and volunteers from the ATC. Bill and I timed the first runner across the line and were in agreement to about 4 hundredths of a second. I turned to the volunteer taking the time of 2nd across the line and was told 2nd was 6 tenths of a second faster than 1st!
I really would like to pass on my skills and knowledge - we are in desperate need of new recruits. But often it is hard working with unskilled people because I wouldn't want to put anybody down.
And having been a teacher I feel able to criticise that species....they are less likely than most to accept that they are not up to scratch.
I think Bill and Donna and me will have our work cut out tomorrow - but we will enjoy working together.