Friday, May 13, 2011


Woe is me!

I have no idea what happened to yesterday's blog posting.
I wrote it - I think it was quite interesting; all about being at Ford and breakfast in Findon village and then quickly to the track to deal with the timekeepers from the Surrey schools involved in an athletics match.
Bill feels sure that he read it.
But its not there now.

Now lets refer back to that breakfast in Findon village - tasty! But I was, oh so stupid! It came with a huge plateful of lovely bread, toasted, and pats of local butter. I was hungry and I have been feeling so well.
Of course - not so well today.
Have felt pretty dreadful. The reaction is like a migraine - headache, nausea, muscle weakness etc.
Doing the ironing became a near impossibility for I felt to weak and faint. I finally failed with two items to go, which Bill did for me.
Today, in town, Bill needed to buy some bread and I had to walk out of the baker's - the yeasty, bready aroma turned my stomach.

We were in town to buy some sweets to take for the timekeepers tomorrow. In the old days the chief timekeepers of Sussex always provided sweets at the meeting. It is a thing that has largely died out now. But I have had enough warning of my chiefdom, so I thought I would take some sweets.
Bill muttered something about needing new trainers.
So we went to M&S for them - but they only had one style and they felt too big.
So Bill bought 2 pairs of trousers instead!

I have struggled for the rest of the day and not done all that was on my list of things to do.
The dining room table still is covered with yesterday's Ford items.
I finished off the paperwork for tomorrow's athletics and Bill wrapped some books which will be sold tomorrow afternoon, whilst we are at the track.

Time for a cup of tea and some headache pills.