Friday, April 08, 2011


Nymans Gardens

Another really lovely day in Sussex!

This morning we went for a walk at our nearest (about 4 miles away) National Trust property to enjoy the gardens. Nymans is at Handcross.
We were anticipating the magnificent huge magnolia tree with relish.
But hey! All the flowers were gone - petals strewn on the ground.
It was last year on April 16th that we spent a lot of time with this tree and today, a week earlier, we had to look elsewhere for beauties.....and there were so many to be seen.

This afternoon I had my hair cut. It is neat again. After our walk on Ashdown Forest I commented that my hair looked a mess (well, it was breezy!) and Bill retorted "When doesn't it?" Blooming cheek! It looks good every 2 months when Rob has worked on it.
This evening we will be at the postcard club. The theme is Worthing and things you could buy for a penny.

Now just enjoy Nymans pictures.
I intend to start posting pictures onto a Picassa album during next week, as well as blog and facebook.
I shall then advise of the Picassa web address on the blog if you ever want to see all the photos.
Just to start with here is an address for a few that Bill took at Fletching Church. Perhaps you could reassure me that this sytem works.
