Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Wednesday - getting sorted.

My brain is wobbly - it has been for many weeks.
Maybe it is the wobbly brain that has been causing my physical symptoms?
Whatever, my wobbly brain has dragged me along pathways that I didn't really want to go.
I was deeply affected by something I saw on my birthday - not the wonderful paintings by Eric Ravilious or the photographs by his son - no, not affected by any of the art we saw.
But I was disturbed as I read details of James Ravilious's life and death.
It reminded me that I may never be free of the cancer fear.
He had lymphoma as I did - nearly 20 years ago now.
And 20 years after he was first diagnosed and treated, it returned.
This fact hit my brain with all the force of a mighty punch.
Combine this sudden fear with my wobbly brain and the symptoms of tiredness, headaches and nasuea and you see which road I was being taken along.
One day, I may well reach that road.
But not today, according to Dr Oliver.
He reported that the recent blood test revealed no problems with Vitamin D or calcium levels.
He is not sure why I am feeling so run down.
He wonders if I have a urine infection. I will get a sample in on Friday - so after our Thailand trip we will all know what is going on in that department. Meanwhile I have some strong antibiotics to start taking once the sample has been taken - which might knock any infection on the head quite quickly.
Things have to be a bit up in the air for the next 4 weeks. We will return to more medical appointments.
Dr O is sure that Thailand will work a bit of magic for me - I guess he wishes he were there right now.
It is chaotic at the doctor's. The new medical centre in Ifield opens on Monday. This morning was the very last time there will be a doctor's surgery in Brighton Road - after 70 years of looking after Bill and over 60 years of looking after me.

We popped into Asda after seeing the doctor and collecting medications.
We didn't want much of course. We felt we ought to supply Frieda with more Dreamies - cat treats.
Bill came out with pyjamas.
And for some reason I bought 2 white (and not very lacy) items for £4 each. And do you know what? They might be the most comfortable that I have.
Ah well, the next shopping trip will be to a different supermarket - Tesco Lotus, close to home on Phuket. I have a list of things to buy already.

This afternoon I received an email from South Africa.
The sender might well be a distant second cousin on the Monk side.
He would be descended from Bill's great great uncle William.
I need to check out one or two things to be sure - but it does seem to be that this South African family belong to the monktree.
When we return from Thailand I think it will be time to pay out a bit of money to have access to all the census returns.
Up until now it hasn't been really necessary - and it has been possible to ask people who have paid to help.
So, I have a project already set up for our return.

Tomorrow's project is to get out and feel alive - forget about the packing and this feeling of not being very grounded.
We will go to Ford, have a breakfast, walk and enjoy life.

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