Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Making preparations.

I am so glad that I found the energy to take a few photographs at the shop yesterday - particularly the fire screen.
I shall not be seeing it again.
Maybe I should have priced it a bit higher.
It sold this morning - and shortly afterwards somebody else came in and was disappointed to see it had gone.

Today has been a day to try and allow some energy to grow within me.
I did very little until this afternoon.
The dining room table has not yet been cleared.

One thing done is a great deal of packing.
I find it easier to get it done early.
There is always so much pondering about what to take.
The uncertainty is very negative.
Of course these days life is complicated by medications for both of us and the necessities required by one with a stoma.
Much of it should go in hand luggage, because we just can't risk it being in the main luggage, which could go astray.
Our main bags are pretty well full now. Haven't weighed them yet.
I am glad that is done.
Now perhaps, energy permitting, I can get on with living for the next 5 days, without worrying about getting the packing done.

Today I cooked spaghetti squash.
It is the first time that I have tried it - bought for 50p at a car boot sale.
It is good - blended with some butter, pepper and nutmeg. It is a very acceptable vegetable alternative to pasta.
It was served with a mild chicken green curry and broccoli.
The chicken green curry was better than I perhaps expected - coming in a tin from Lidl. We will have it again.

For much of the day I have felt tired, but not too bad.
Better than yesterday.
But this evening after the packing I felt rough - nauseous again.

I watched a TV programme about research and treatment of tropical diseases.....there are some nasty ones about.
Memo to self - make sure the powerful mosquito repellent is packed.

Bed time soon.