Thursday, September 02, 2010



Yet another lovely day. Just the weather for the back to school routine that so many have faced today - she says somewhat ironically and with extreme relief that the new school year is not part of my world.

This morning Frieda came round.
I was trying to tell her about the wonders of skype and how we enjoy seeing and talking with Jamie and family.
I realised that words were not enough; she would need a demonstration.
So, very soon she was getting a guided tour round Jamie's house and garden.
Actually I find it almost magical too.

This afternoon we decided that perhaps we had better get Harry checked out at the vet. I think I did know that we were wasting our money and that there was little wrong with him; but I felt we had to be sure that he didn't need any treatment before we leave him in the hands of Frieda.
And just at this moment I am a little more worried - he has gone out in disgust at having been subjected to the cat basket and the examination and the fearful car journey. And he won't come back!
I hope he is just punishing us and has not knocked his already slightly troublesome body.
Jamie's weather blog is, as ever, much more than comments on the weather.
I do hope that September is not going to be a wet month!