Saturday, September 04, 2010


Oh where, oh where can it be?

Oh where, oh where has my energy gone?
We went to Ford this morning, but I struggled a bit to focus on what is normally a pleasure.
I have bought things of course - still strewn across the dining room table.
One item, in particular, fascinates me. It is the 1920s version of doing the week's shopping on line.
It is a booklet (dated April 1921) from a large store in Bristol which lists every item they have for sale and the prices. You can go through the book and write your order and it tells you which day of the week it would be delivered.
We went into Littlehampton afterwards and had a Wetherspoon's breakfast followed by a walk round the charity shops; Bill bought a good shirt for £2.
My energy was decreasing rapidly.
We walked round to the river and were pleased to see that the 2 swans we have seen before were still caring for their cygnets - much bigger now and swimming around in the water, pecking for food.
Then we drove home.
We made tea and turned on the TV and I sort of watched a film called Father of the Bride.
I actually dozed through much of it.
I don't feel any stronger for my afternoon nap. I am so weary and yawning almost constantly.
If there is something wrong that is causing this, I hope it is something that has shown up on the recent blood test and that Dr O can begin to put things right when I see him during next week.
Tomorrow we have the last athletics meeting of the summer season. I shall be chief - but will probably work with Bill who can be in charge of accurate timing whilst I concentrate on recording.