Saturday, September 11, 2010


One more day

What have I done today?
I have hazy memories.
My first job - after a cup of tea in bed - was to re-colour my hair.
It looks good - I am so glad I made the effort to get it done. My hair is still brown - with a golden glow. And the white patch at the front has gone - for a while.
I cleared the dining room table. Not such a great achievement. It should have all been written up and be ready for sale. Instead it has been stowed in a couple of boxes, with the price paid marked on it - ready for me to deal with in about 4 weeks.
We had a pleasant interlude, visiting Jenny and Ruth and Otto and Felix.
Otto is 2 years old today.
Ruth is not the mother of babies anymore.

We didn't see much of Felix - we had taken a DVD called All About Diggers. It was probably a promotional film for JCB, but it was enthralling to Felix.
This afternoon we have seen Frieda....what have we done allowing her to be in charge of Harry?
She has written instructions - but I can't be sure that she will remember just what the words refer to!
We would tell her things and within a minute or so she was needing to ask again.
Tomorrow we will make sure that Rose is aware of the situation and hope that maybe Rose can pop in and see that all is well.
Poor Frieda - she had been taken out somewhere today - but she didn't know where.
It was in the east - she was sure of that!
They had been to the top of a hill where there was something round and you look down on all the little people.
She knows she went through East Grinstead. The drive was well over an hour.
Any ideas? She thinks it might have been Rotherham!
I have contacted more people about the newly found South African relations.
Poor Bill has entered into the "I don't want to leave home" mood.
At the moment I feel fine.
Going to Phuket is going to a place, now quite familiar. I know my way around.
I look forward to knew things too of course.
It hardly seems so far away when we can talk with Jamie, Mam and the children and see them at the same time.
Today Jessica and John sang songs for us.
Poor Bill couldn't eat all his sausage and mash this evening - tension is knotting him up.
I did stroke Harry and let out a heartfelt "What have we done Harry, allowing Frieda to look after you?"
Bill offered to stay behind and look after the cat!
We have one more day before departure. It looks like it will be sunny in the morning - rather than the grey, rainy day we had today.
I will go to the boot sale at Pease Pottage. I think Bill will too - he might as well; though his mind is concentrated on making sure grass is cut and house vacuum cleaned before we go.
I would leave the cleaning - it will probably be the first thing we do on arrival back home; three and half weeks of Harry's fur everywhere will see to that.
Time for bed - lets put the kettle on and have a cup of tea first.
