Tuesday, May 06, 2014


Ifield May Fayre. 2014,

Despite problems I enjoyed yesterday - the day of the Ifield May Fayre.
Ifield is the village where I grew up and feels special to me.
I was very tired at the end of the day - but joining in and being the person I am, felt rewarding.

So, here is a selection of pictures to paint images of the day - both a family day and a community day.

Bill with our friend Tony Killick, Tony had assumed, that like other years, the Crawley Museum Society would have a stall.
But no, and so his penny farthing was displayed right by the Ifield Conservation group tent, which was organised by Jenny.

Tony pushed the penny farthing all the way from his home.
He cannot ride it now because he has Parkinson's Disease and is almost blind. He is over 80 now.
I thought back to when we had last been at the church together - when Bill and I got married.

The parade arrived, having walked from St Margaret's School.

The May Queen and her attendants were pulled by tractor to the church.

Meanwhile lots of people were having fun.

Otto enjoyed the challenge of the rope bridge.

Others enjoyed the swing boats. There were lots of stalls and games.

School children danced and sung for the crowds.

We met up with our nephew and his family.

More family folk.

This is Lady Ifield.

She won first prize in the scarecrow competition.

Ruth and her boys created Lady Ifield,
They won red rosettes.

        Lots of people outside the barn theatre.

The boys did some
wood work.

Remarkable, I captured the rat.
First attempt too.

Face painting is always popular.
And faces were very skilfully painted.

First prize photograph by Ruth.
The theme was Ifield in the floods. If I had had one I would have entered. Perhaps next year I had better discover the topic in advance.

Jenny tots up scores in the Ifield Conservation Group competition.

Crowds by the lych gate.
The Plough Pub, just outside was doing a roaring trade.
There was dancing out in the street and a Punch and Judy show.

Me, up the church tower.
I had never been up there before.

Church bells.

Looking down on Rectory Farm.                                                     Tricky! Down the spiral

The hair decorations were popular, Thank you girls for posing for me.

The day is drawing to a close. The scarecrows listen to the band.