Sunday, February 10, 2013


Sunday, day of rest.

"Mustn't grumble"
I could grumble, of course - but what's the point?
Sunday 10th February is now mostly a memory. If any memory lingers it will be of a very quite day. I must be thankful for the rest.
We went to bed with a "Shall we/Shan't we?" debate. Shall we get up and go to Woking?  It's quite  a long way....but I would have loved to be there.
I have to second guess dear Bill's wishes...."We'll go if you want to" he says; now did I detect a deeper unwillingness to go really?
It's his life too - maybe he was relishing a day at home with feet up and the TV on.
We didn't go.
The weather of course was really uninviting. The rain is bad enough - but it was such a cold rain, almost snow.
I spent the morning sorting out stock - in and out to the very cold garage.
I got parcels ready for posting too.
This afternoon I put together photos for my Random Crawley blog.
I had not intended doing 3 in the first few days - but writing can be a bit addictive. And I didn't have much else to do.
I cooked a roast dinner - belly pork; not as fatty as I feared it might be.
And now its time for a cuppa and bed.
The rain continues!