Monday, December 26, 2011


5th day of Christmas, with cousins.

Up incredibly late!
Never mind, nothing needed doing this morning.
This afternoon and evening we were wonderfully entertained by my cousins - my Uncle Billy's three. Also there were my cousins' offspring, a cousin's partner and her 2 sons and a son's wife.
Quite a gathering!
There were 2 young ones - Oscar....what is he? My second cousin twice removed maybe. The other young one I am not related to at all - a 7 week old Newfoundland puppy, named Boo.
He is all soft and puppy like - one day he will be a big strong dog, but still soft and lovely.
There was also news of another young one. The wife of a second cousin (that's Robert and Jenna for those that know them) announced today that a new family member will be born in June. Another second cousin twice removed?
We had a lovely day and this Boxing Day will stand out a being delighfully different for us.
Lovely family.
Pictures will appear some time!
My voice is still cracked and worn - no singing in the car!
But I am glad to say that I feel a lot less wilted than last night. Maybe body is winning the battle.