Saturday, July 02, 2011


Relaxing sport day

It has been quite a relaxing day really - despite going to a car boot sale and being chief timekeeper.

The car boot sale was the small one at Faygate. I went on my own and bought very little.
I have a sewing basket in red and white (50s style).
I bought a vase that looks a bit like a Whitefriars - but it has a chip. It would sell if it is Whitefriars, but it looks like this one might join our collection of vases at home.
I bought a dress/ over tunic, made by Lands End. It is an avocado green linen or cotton.
As if I needed more clothes!

We were at the track just after 12 o'clock to greet timekeepers from far away.
The match was the women's national league division 2.
I was working with Bob from Liverpool.
He was from the furthest - the Channel Islands didn't have a timekeeper, though one of the Reading men was Guernsey born.
Bill worked with Nicola from Leeds - a complete novice. She has much to learn.
We were a happy team.
And so was the Crawley Women's team.
Competition was fierce and it was neck and neck with Leeds all afternoon, But Crawley just managed to come out on top.
The next match, though, is in Leeds and so that team will have home advantage and probably a full team.

Back home we switched on for more sport.
We had missed the women's final from Wimbledon; but as one annual event draws to a close, another begins.
Today was the first stage of Le Tour de France.
I love the little signature tune - a really happy feeling little tune.