Sunday, July 03, 2011


Devil's Dyke

What a lovely day!
The sun shone and it got delightfully warm.

We opted for a later car boot sale today - we arrived at Poynings just before half past eight.
I found some of my favourite perfume - a tea tree fragrance by Elizabeth Arden. Hooray - the last lot (bought at a boot sale) is just about to run out.
We bought a few things for selling on of course.

Then we drove the very short distance to to the top of Devil's Dyke.
The car park was already quite busy.
Bill's eyes were caught by 3 cars in the car park - thought they were Bugattis at first.
By Bill.

These cars are Teals - based loosely on early Bugattis.
Bill chatted with the enthusiastic owners and I snapped away.

Two car pictures by Paula.

Our main purpose in going to the top of the hill was to sit and enjoy a drink - a half pint of good dark beer.

This was the view I enjoyed as I refreshed myself with the cold beer. Some may recall that last time we were there we didn't have this view - thick fog, and the few hardy souls walking loomed out of the mist as silhouettes.

Bill got into conversation with another drinker about cameras.

Then we went off for a walk.
Devil's Dyke is beautiful and also popular with visitors - the Brighton visitors have, since Victorian times, had Devil's Dyke as part of their holiday.
I didn't know it as a child. Well, we didn't have a car for most of my childhood; but also because places that were popular with other people were rather off our family agenda.

We saw flowers of course.

Rosebay willow herb by Paula and convulvulus by Bill.

The gate to the dyke. (Paula)

Peaceful now - but, very different in Victorian times.
There was a railway from Brighton to the top of Devil's Dyke and a cable car crossed the dyke itself.

The cable car could carry 4 people or 6 sheep.

Bill stands by remanants of the cable car.

Bill walks down the chalky path.

A grassy landscape by Paula.

The south facing scarp slope of the South Downs. (Paula).
And looking North across the Weald (Bill).
The wind sock was out, but we saw no hang gliders today.

This afternoon I wrapped parcels and watched tennis.
It was hard to know who to shout for.....both superb players and seemingly nice people and both good to look at.
Perhaps because Djokevic hails from The Balkans I have had a soft spot for him now for a while - and I love his hair! It is so thick it cries out to be touched!
He played better today and I am glad that he was able to fulfil a dream.

Its getting on for midnight......think I should sort myself out and make tracks for bed.
