Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pottering and learning and visiting. Kathu market.
Tuesday - it tends to be a bit of a lazy day.
I spent a very pleasant morning going through all Simon's photos from his stay on Phuket - well over 900 photos in 4 days. I saved and named 130 of them in my own files. These are pictures that included me - and many more that were pictures I wish I had taken.
It felt very warm sitting behind the window with the sun streaming through - not so warm outdoors though.
Bill went to the osteopath again. He is in a lot of pain at the moment. I wish we could be sure that the doctors have distinguished between his rheumatoid arthritis and "wear and tear".
He has bought some cold packs which can be stored in the freezer and to be used as he sits. This is in contrast to hot water from the shower that was also recommended.
This afternoon it was time for one of Bill's regular blood tests. These blood tests are used to confirm that the methotrexate drugs, which have controlled the rheumatoid arthritis are not doing too much harm.
Meanwhile I was busy on the computer, receiving a lesson from Jamie - 6,000 miles away.
I asked him when we were there if there could be a way to categorise my blogs according to subject rather than date.
This can be done - and now I know how.
It will take time to go through all the blogs I have written and label them.
A very small start has been made and you can now see headings of categories to the left of the blog postings.
I need to be sure what labels I want.
I think one will be Miscellaneous Ramblings - for that is often what this blog is about!
But other themes, events and places are regulars and these will be my subject headings.
Thailand is a regular of course - especially just now.
This afternoon we went to catch up with news and doings of Bill's sister, Julie.
As is so common with all of us pensioners health becomes a topic of conversation - and health will, I am sure, be one of my topics!
Julie had had a camera down her gullet this morning - and, like Bill, has been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and acid reflux problems.
Like Bill she is also needing help and support for back pain.
But back to Thailand.
I almost never use a market in the UK - but then that is because the one in Crawley is so small and so useless.
There are much better markets in other parts. The markets of the north of England are strong, despite the large supermarkets and that is how it is in Thailand.
I love a market. I like seeing people trying to beat the global supermarkets by making a living on their own. I like seeing families pulling together to make their small businesses succeed.
We went to the Kathu village market for a photo shoot.
I don't think we bought anything at all.

We could have bought food being cooked at some stalls - but Mam was preparing a meal at home.

Neat trays of silver fish.
I spent a very pleasant morning going through all Simon's photos from his stay on Phuket - well over 900 photos in 4 days. I saved and named 130 of them in my own files. These are pictures that included me - and many more that were pictures I wish I had taken.
It felt very warm sitting behind the window with the sun streaming through - not so warm outdoors though.
Bill went to the osteopath again. He is in a lot of pain at the moment. I wish we could be sure that the doctors have distinguished between his rheumatoid arthritis and "wear and tear".
He has bought some cold packs which can be stored in the freezer and to be used as he sits. This is in contrast to hot water from the shower that was also recommended.
This afternoon it was time for one of Bill's regular blood tests. These blood tests are used to confirm that the methotrexate drugs, which have controlled the rheumatoid arthritis are not doing too much harm.
Meanwhile I was busy on the computer, receiving a lesson from Jamie - 6,000 miles away.
I asked him when we were there if there could be a way to categorise my blogs according to subject rather than date.
This can be done - and now I know how.
It will take time to go through all the blogs I have written and label them.
A very small start has been made and you can now see headings of categories to the left of the blog postings.
I need to be sure what labels I want.
I think one will be Miscellaneous Ramblings - for that is often what this blog is about!
But other themes, events and places are regulars and these will be my subject headings.
Thailand is a regular of course - especially just now.
This afternoon we went to catch up with news and doings of Bill's sister, Julie.
As is so common with all of us pensioners health becomes a topic of conversation - and health will, I am sure, be one of my topics!
Julie had had a camera down her gullet this morning - and, like Bill, has been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and acid reflux problems.
Like Bill she is also needing help and support for back pain.
But back to Thailand.
I almost never use a market in the UK - but then that is because the one in Crawley is so small and so useless.
There are much better markets in other parts. The markets of the north of England are strong, despite the large supermarkets and that is how it is in Thailand.
I love a market. I like seeing people trying to beat the global supermarkets by making a living on their own. I like seeing families pulling together to make their small businesses succeed.
We went to the Kathu village market for a photo shoot.
I don't think we bought anything at all.

We could have bought food being cooked at some stalls - but Mam was preparing a meal at home.
I like to capture candid portraits.
The boy may have been bored, but he has a contented look too - secure in the arms and love of his mother.
He is where he belongs and feels good.
You can buy tinned rambutans in the UK these days.
If the family are selling at market, then baby has to go too.

Chickens. Thai people eat every part of the chicken.

Chickens. Thai people eat every part of the chicken.
You can buy feet on their own. I assumed that chicken feet might be used to flavour a sauce - but no, they are chewed and eaten.

Luscious prawns.

Luscious prawns.

Neat trays of silver fish.
The child contributes to the good of family life, by manning the stall - still in her school uniform.

No - not a pile of small potatoes!

No - not a pile of small potatoes!
This is fruit - lingonberries.
Ah yes, we did buy something - I had some of these for breakfast the next day.
It was superb.
Labels: home and daily life, thailand