Saturday, October 16, 2010


Littlehampton Breakfast

I am getting all behind with my Thailand pictures - never mind.
I really felt I needed a project in the here and now, rather than spend time in the past.
Going to the boot sale at Ford was a good start.
It was really cold there first thing this morning. The north east wind blasts across the disused airfield.
I had pulled some gloves out - and was really glad of them.

But my photographic project was to capture life in Littlehampton Wetherspoons (The George) from my seat in the corner.
We tend to sit at the same table if it is free.
It is by far one of the least attractive Wetherspoons we have visited - still the plain pub it always was, but it attracts a lot of people.

Don't tell George Osborne that much incapacity benefit swells Wetherspoon's profits!
Never mind, I am sure Wetherspoon's have to pay a lot of tax on their profits so really the money just circulates.

The sun streamed through the windows and it felt warm as we waited for our breakfast.

Surely drinkers have not abandoned their pints.
No - those small boxes by the glasses give the clue. The drinkers had popped out for a smoke.

They returned a while later for their beer.

Snob that I am - I assume that many others were spending benefit money!

This drinker often puts a bit of sugar in a shop bought coffee.
Why? He never uses sugar at home.
This coffee came free for he had enough stamps on his card.

Wetherspoons do try to encourage their patrons to appreciate that the buildings they have converted had a past in towns that have history.
The photograph of the Olympic Hall is right by our table.

Too much sun shining on the information about the life of The George.

Other people had their breakfast.

It is a popular venue for young families.This toddler was making sure her baked beans were well and truly dead!

Across the road is Laura Mays - we often wonder if we should give it a try.
But it wouldn't be as cheap.

Above Laura Mays are some flats - 1960s flats, that would have been a little bit stylish in their day.
Now they have an air of decay and abandonment.

Looking across the dining room and saloon to the bar.

Ah! Breakfast has arrived at last.
OK - we gave in and ordered the big breakfast at £3.99.
I had no intention of eating the toast - I knew where that would be appreciated.

Bill didn't eat all his toast either.
It was a big meal - but basically it is all we need for the day.

Drinkers snapped in the saloon as I get another mug of hot water for my tea bag.

Bill has started drinking more cider again.We must make sure we visit during the real ale and cider festival.

I called this "The Lonely Drinker".
Most people meet friends or have family with them - this man seemed to have nobody.
Now scroll down for the explanation of what happened to our toast.
