Sunday, October 10, 2010
I want normality.
Sunday....but we didn't go to a car boot sale.
We are both still jet lagged.
I have just been googling jet lag symptoms, and at least that tells me that I am allowed to feel like this!
The nausea and hot flushes are the worst part - and the head aches and the yawning and the dropping things and the inability to get going.
I was awake early and got up to make tea and toast for Bill, so that he could watch the Japanese Grand Prix in bed.
Later there was a struggle to do more ironing.
Please let me finish this shirt before throwing up! I didn't actually vomit, though at times I felt like it.
Goodness, I didn't feel that bad when doing the ironing in the heat of Thailand.
Between us we got the ironing up to date.
I have watched sport from The Commonwealth Games.
I sneezed! Not big news I know, but it cleared my ears a bit and I felt less nauseous.
I have prepared some things to take to the shop tomorrow. Bill keeps saying that if I feel bad I ought to stay at home....but I would prefer to battle on.
We are both gradually working on pictures.
As I select to put on the blog I will certainly repeat myself a bit - some got posted whilst using Jamie's computer.
The ones below were taken on the first Friday. The children were at school and Jamie was at work.

This was my lunch in Fuji.
Fuji is a Japanese restaurant in the Central Mall.
I had tempura coated prawns and vegetables with all the accessories.

Mam had fish.

Central attracts tourists - they hire a tuk tuk and come over the hills from the west coast beaches and the town of Patong to find Thai bargains. They would be far better off looking in the markets, you can find the same things much cheaper.

Thai women must have drawers stuffed with bras!
Except if you look closely you can see that the sales staff are gathered together chatting - no customers to be seen.
Shops have them in bins close to entrances and stairways.

There is a footbridge from Central over to Home Works - a diy store to please all enthusiasts.
We had gone there so that Bill could buy a loo handle - connected to the arm that connects to the ball cock.
He found it and fitted it.

We are both still jet lagged.
I have just been googling jet lag symptoms, and at least that tells me that I am allowed to feel like this!
The nausea and hot flushes are the worst part - and the head aches and the yawning and the dropping things and the inability to get going.
I was awake early and got up to make tea and toast for Bill, so that he could watch the Japanese Grand Prix in bed.
Later there was a struggle to do more ironing.
Please let me finish this shirt before throwing up! I didn't actually vomit, though at times I felt like it.
Goodness, I didn't feel that bad when doing the ironing in the heat of Thailand.
Between us we got the ironing up to date.
I have watched sport from The Commonwealth Games.
I sneezed! Not big news I know, but it cleared my ears a bit and I felt less nauseous.
I have prepared some things to take to the shop tomorrow. Bill keeps saying that if I feel bad I ought to stay at home....but I would prefer to battle on.
We are both gradually working on pictures.
As I select to put on the blog I will certainly repeat myself a bit - some got posted whilst using Jamie's computer.
The ones below were taken on the first Friday. The children were at school and Jamie was at work.

This was my lunch in Fuji.
Fuji is a Japanese restaurant in the Central Mall.
I had tempura coated prawns and vegetables with all the accessories.

Mam had fish.

Central attracts tourists - they hire a tuk tuk and come over the hills from the west coast beaches and the town of Patong to find Thai bargains. They would be far better off looking in the markets, you can find the same things much cheaper.

Thai women must have drawers stuffed with bras!
Except if you look closely you can see that the sales staff are gathered together chatting - no customers to be seen.
Shops have them in bins close to entrances and stairways.

There is a footbridge from Central over to Home Works - a diy store to please all enthusiasts.
We had gone there so that Bill could buy a loo handle - connected to the arm that connects to the ball cock.
He found it and fitted it.

She is a very good cook, making the most lovely green curry.
There were 6 of us trying to have some time for photos, communicating and games.
You might need a strong constitution to look at them!
Its all part of the Chinese Vegetarian Festival.
Labels: home and daily life, thailand