Wednesday, October 06, 2010
The journey back from Thailand
What a very long time ago yesterday morning seems.
It was raining in Phuket.
Had the weather gods observed our bags and decided we should see, just once, what the rainy season can be about?
We all went to the noodle shop for breakfast.

Here is the view looking north, from the bridge at Central. The 4 J's live up there, turning left off the main road about half a mile away.
It was raining in Phuket.
Had the weather gods observed our bags and decided we should see, just once, what the rainy season can be about?
We all went to the noodle shop for breakfast.
Its breakfast, as I like it - savoury and tasty. Bill has the cornflakes habit ingrained in him and therefore finds it a bit odd.
There are various seasonings available to spice things up; generally I just opted for a little sugar.

That's my bowl full - noodles, bean sprouts, green veg, slices of pork etc.

That's my bowl full - noodles, bean sprouts, green veg, slices of pork etc.
Washed down with a glass of iced lemon tea.
With bags finally packed up we went "down the mall".
Bill had so enjoyed his beef at Fuji that we decided to have a last meal there.
It was still raining.
Jamie has since reported that yesterday was the wettest day for 4 months.
There were 71 mms of rain in the gauge.

Here is the view looking north, from the bridge at Central. The 4 J's live up there, turning left off the main road about half a mile away.
And then it was time to leave.
A wet and gloomy drive to the airport.
We didn't play I Spy, like we had been doing lots. Jessica and John are so good at it.
We had a drink together - my last watermelon shake.
Then hugs and kisses - and time for me to be brave!
We left them at the door of passport control - by the time we had walked across the room my eyes would not have resembled my passport, for they were filled with tears.
Meanwhile Jessica and John were charming the passport control people.
The men on the door allowed them to slip in the room and there was much waving and blowing of kisses.
All the passport checkers were smiling and sighing as they looked at the children and my tears.
Chuckles broke out when, at the last, John went passed the passport control one more time and did a beautiful bow.
I can't wait to see them again - and will do so tomorrow perhaps on Skype.
No pictures of our tender goodbyes of course - so here are nice pictures of Jessica and John at other times.
Our first flight took us to Kuala Lumpur, where we walked in the jungle.
It makes a refreshing change from the normal airport shops with their over priced designer goods.
The jungle is within the circular structure at the left of the picture.
The trains connecting this part of the airport to arrivals stops right in the terminal.
We were impressed with the planning and beauty of design of KL airport.
Time then to climb aboard our plane which would carry us back to Heathrow.
Our seats, booked months ago, give reasonable leg room and space. But how I was wishing we could afford the sort of seat that makes sleeping easy.
It was night for all our journey, but I didn't sleep enough, despite have taken a double dose of a sedating antihistamine tablet.
The plane came to a halt at Heathrow at half past five in the morning - and it was raining.
Impatience made me feel that the very final part of the journey seemed to take forever.
We walked into our front door 24 hours after we had walked out of Jamie's front door.
We relaxed for the morning.
Walking in the house was very satisfying.
I think Bill was glad to do little chores - sorting post, checking bank statements and things like that.
But the first job just had to be hoovering - cat fur everywhere!
Harry was very glad of some cuddles.
The sun came out later and we went to Asda for a few bits - couldn't find any ability to think ahead.
This evening we enjoyed salmon, lovely little potatoes and runner beans.
We have watched TV and drifted in and out of sleep.
I have been very glad of my hoard of Co Proxamol - the painkiller now banned because it would be too easy to kill yourself with it.
I have no intention of doing that - but I do have the intention of easing the pain of my cracked ribs.
I remember that when I did my ribs before it got worse for a while before it got better.
We will have a cup of tea now and head for bed. After all our bodies and brains are thinking that it might be 3 o'clock in the morning.
I shall over the next weeks be including more episodes from Thailand in the blog.
I am happy with memories of an exceedingly good time - but life goes on and there is plenty of living to do.
Labels: home and daily life, thailand