Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friends make good medicine. A day of many parts in Phuket.
This morning I went to see one of our doctor's. He checked me over, but could find no obvious faults.
Time was his medicine. I knew that the ribs would take time and he felt that all the other things that have upset my bodily balance would come right, with patience.
I didn't feel I had much time.
Pete and Jean would be with us within the hour and, as we don't see them very often, I wanted it to be a good day.
Talking with friends has made it so - thanks P and J.
We went to Dorking - not a town that they had spent much time in, even when they lived in these parts.
Pete, the historian, was soon spotting all manner of details on buildings and enjoying their age and history.
We had lunch in The Spotted Dog, just round the corner from Pilgrims Antiques.
The item I had spotted on the menu, on Monday, lived up to all my expectations.
It seemed to combine all I love best about both UK and Thai cooking.
I love a jacket potato - and this one came with prawns in a spicy coconut sauce and some salad.
It was perfect. I will be back for more.
Bill and Pete set to and attacked a large plate of liver and onions and mashed potato - something neither of them get at home.
Then we had a little walk, taking in charity shops, old buildings, the church, a second hand book shop and eventually into Pilgrims.
On the way home we called in at a new farm shop in Charlwood and bought some cake to have with a cup of tea when we got back indoors.
Of course I am tired now - but a pleasant sort of tiredness. I am happy to feel tired when a day has felt worthwhile. I am specially happy that I found the energy to make the day worthwhile too.Maybe handing my problems to the doctor took them away from me. The good wishes and positive thoughts of friends and family have also urged me back to life too. Thank you all.I will be optimistic now and assume that tomorrow will feel good too.
And now back to Thailand for a day of many parts. The children were at school - doing their end of term exams. Yes, even 5 year old John was being assessed this way - though I don't think he would be put out by exams. Jessica did describe one of hers as "stupid hard". I am sure that both of them will have excellent results.
Unfortunately my camera batteries died on me - and there was nowhere there to buy others....foolishly I had left the fully charged batteries at home. (Jamie's home).
We dined at one of Jamie and Mam's favourite restaurants just outside Phuket Town. It is one chosen by the more affluent Thais to eat - so it was a treat to go there.
And a view to the temple on Sirey Island - which we have visited.
We called in at a Thai temple, close to the main road.
A monk leads a Monk!
Jungle and stream above the reservoir.
The dam and spillway.
Labels: home and daily life, thailand