Tuesday, April 13, 2010


My turn with the doctor.

Today it was my turn.
I have seen the nurse and the doctor.
The nurse gave me my Vitamin B12 injection.
Daft woman then tested my blood pressure! Of course it was up! Not that she would have realised it was up really - it looked good and normal; but I know that I would expect to see a lower score.
Just to upset you people with high blood pressure - I think my BP is up if the reading is higher than 110 over 70!
Dr Oliver wished to discuss the next injection that I need. As he surmised my Vitamin D levels are too low and this is what is pushing the parathyroid glands to produce too much of their own chemical.
I now have an ampule (is that the right word) of the stuff and must take it for my injection - next Wednesday.
And the prescription asked for 3 ampules - the other two I have to pick up tomorrow.
Surely I am not expecting three injections?

Afterwards we went to see Jenny, who has been turning out the loft. The loft is full of much that was my Dad's life - lecture notes, music, and all manner of odds and ends.
Jenny wanted to be sure that nothing would be wanted by anybody.
There are a few things - like 1940s Lilliput magazines, which I will attempt to sell.
There are also some things we took that I am now doubtful about - would anybody really want a violin with no strings, no bridge and a bow with virtually no horse hair? Was this the one I learned to play on? I don't know. I learned very badly and rather resented ever having to learn. It wasn't that I didn't like music - I just didn't like the violin and the violin teacher was not to my liking either; she was stuck up and bossy!

We came home to eat our main meal in the middle of the day, as advised for those who have a hiatus hernia. This had caused me to be up and cooking early.
I had beef left over from the roast and had decided to make a beef and vegetable pie - it was made by about quarter past nine.
I think the reason we got into a habit of an evening main meal is because there are many days when we are not at home through the day - just as today.

This afternoon we have entertained Isobel... at least she said she felt better for the visit. She has been feeling down after the death of one of her oldest friends. The funeral will be on Friday.

I still haven't cleared last weekend's purchases from the dining room table! Another day won't hurt.

But I did complete a blog posting for the shop.
It is totally different this week and is about Dorking High Street.
I hope you enjoy it.

Tomorrow really must be a day to clear the table and describe some things for EBay.
At least I don't have to cook tomorrow - the pie was huge and there is plenty for our meal.