Saturday, April 03, 2010


Saturday walk on the beach.

We have experienced no rain today, but it is now damp this evening.
We have been to Ford. I found it hard work to have to rummage and bend down into boxes ..... after the fair, where everything was all arranged well on the table.
But the car boot sale is more my way of buying really.Bill has bought really well today.
Later he must get a photograph done of the Triang crane he bought - identical to the one my brothers received one Christmas time.
I bought almost entirely books today.
This is good - yesterday I bought for the shop and today I bought for EBay.

And when we had finished we went to Littlehampton, of course.
On no, you say - not Littlehampton again!
Easter is the start of the summer season at the seaside - but not today.
In the car park, ours was the only vehicle.
There were a few strollers and dog walkers by the beach and that was all.
There was a very chilly wind.
There was only one of the little kiosks on the front open for business.

The flags were blow straight out by the fierce wind.

The tide was far, far out.
I walked a long way to reach the edge of the sea.
Do you see that figure in the distance? That is Bill.
And beyond him are the little kiosks.
The River Arun is on the left.

A view looking out to sea.
I love the simplicity of this river estuary.
The tide had already turned and was coming in fast.

Beach scene.

We took some stale bread for the swans.
I fed them - greedy and aggressive with each other they were this morning.
Bill took photos and then played with the pictures later.
After our breakfast in The Balaton we decided to visit the museum.
It was well laid out and well labelled - and interesting.
There are special exhibitions too.
There was a photography exhibition and a room with a black and white film showing. The film was about Littlehampton lobsters and the catching of them - made by a Hungarian in 1935. It was an award winning film in its day.
We will keep a note of future special exhibitions and return to the museum.

I love these cottages close by the museum.
They are also very near to the High Street.
Littlehampton is somewhat run down, but not decaying and there is lots of character.

This picture was in the museum - a giant oil painting.
It show passengers boarding the Worthing Belle in the estuary harbour in 1913.
This is about where The Balaton cafe now is.

I have idled a bit this afternoon - haven't even written up my purchases of the morning.
I phoned people and chatted on line with ygo - this is the name that Julie, a teacher in Vancouver uses when playing Boggle on line.
Bill sorted/played with his morning's treasures.
This evening we watched Dr Who - eager to see what the new incarnation would be like.
He'll be OK I guess.
But I missed David Tenant and yet I was not happy to hear sometimes his (DT's) ways of speaking. There were moments when the new Doctor sounded like an impersonation of the old one - I thought.
We have not made plans for tomorrow yet - depends if this evening's rain moves away.
