Friday, September 11, 2009


Lazy Friday

It has just been one of those days..... the sort when it is hard to get motivated.
I slept badly and then enjoyed a leisurely lie in with a cup of tea and a crossword book.
Sleeping badly sometimes throws up interesting information on the radio - I have Radio 5 on, with headphones.
Last night I learned all about The Pullman Porters. These were black people in America who, on the abolition of slavery, took jobs serving the passengers on the railway and earned reasonably good money.
These families became the basis for the rise of a black middle class, striving for good education and professional jobs.

We didn't get down to breakfast until well gone quarter past nine.
Yes, I have described more to be listed on EBay this weekend.
And I have managed to get two items ready to be listed when we get back from Wales.
Not a lot to show for the day.

I think the fact that I shall have no such lazy days now for almost 2 weeks feels a bit daunting.
I have felt really tired all week and wonder how I shall cope.
Of course I will cope just fine.
And the next two days will not be devoid of "me" time.
We will go to car boot sales of course - but that is a special time for me.
I look forward to it.

Bill, of course, has been a little busier than me. He has cut the lawns.
And he walked to the post office with parcels.

Our neighbour, Rose, came round this afternoon. I was glad of that because we wanted to warn her that she might be on cat duty when we are in Wales.
Of course Frieda normally does it - and I couldn't take the job away from her all the time she can do it.
But maybe she won't be able to do it.
She told Bill that she can hardly walk. Her daughter took her to the doctor this afternoon.
I guess Frieda is not too bad because the daughter didn't stay long after the appointment - certainly not long enough to make her mother a cup of tea and to see if she had food to eat.
We must see her during tomorrow.

Right, I think I will abandon today shortly. I will have a shower, wash my hair and then snuggle down to sleep.
