Thursday, September 10, 2009


Visit to cousin Ann.

I sat this morning at my computer and the sun streamed in through the window.
"Ah!" I thought, "another lovely day."
And the sunshine was lovely - but I was so glad I had donned a jumper for the walk up to the post office.
The north easterly wind blowing across our corner of the country had a bit of bite to it and it felt quite chilly.

This afternoon we have been to Bill's cousin Ann. If a family member looks at this I will just add that Ann is the daughter of Aunty Sophie.
She is such an easy person to spend time. Fortunately lots of family want to spend time with her and her life is full. She is off to Torquay with one of her sisters next week.
But she still feels lonely, of course, without Gordon.
This Sunday is her wedding anniversary - the first without Gordon. It would have been 62 years.

Here they are in 1947.

Soon after Gordon died, last December, Bill printed a picture of the two of them and we framed it.
But we have forgotten to take it to Ann until today.
The picture was taken at her brother's Golden Wedding party in 2003. Gordon was still sprightly and lots of fun at that time.
In fact we didn't see him during his last 2 or 3 months (when his health faded fast) and as far as we are concerned he never lost that sense of fun.

And that has been our day.