Thursday, August 27, 2009


A "nothing much" sort of day.

Not much today!

We got up, made a cup of tea and then went out. We were strolling the near empty aisles of Asda at just gone 8 o'clock.
It is a good time to shop.
We came home and did some eggs and waffles for breakfast.

Bill has been printing pages all day long. He felt a bit daunted by how behind he had got with our photo album - especially having spent time printing an album for Ekatarina.
But it is all up to date now.

I have been describing. EBay have offered 10 days of free listing and so I decided to get some things on with higher opening bids - 14 more items today.
It won't have cost me anything even if they don't sell.
So this time I have described things other than books - mostly.
There are 2 cute Hummel ornaments which can fetch high prices if you find the right buyer. The right buyer doesn't appear to have ventured into Pilgrims thus far. I have started them off at £39.50.
There is a BOAC paper fan, a Swatch watch from the 1996 Olympics, a snow globe with a Vespa motor scooter etc.
I am not sure why that hasn't been added to my own Olympic collection - except that I feel the time for hoarding might be over.
The Muffin the Mule tin I bought at Edenbridge is listed now, which I also found at Edenbridge last Saturday. The recipe book has already attracted a watcher, and so has the snowglobe.

I don't seem to have done much else really.

I confess there have been a few more rounds of Cradle of Rome. I enjoyed the game before and when the new computer was installed I was right back at the beginning and thought I might as well have another go.
And so is the recipe book published by the Bengal Girl Guides Association in 1940.

Well, to bed soon. Goodnight.